All About Cannabinoids
First, THC got all the attention. Then, CBD became hot. Now everyone’s getting into CBG.
But you may know that there are more than 100+ different cannabinoids that can be found in the cannabis plant!
Researchers are still discovering and describing new cannabinoids, and working to understand the effects that each can have.
Cannabis Business Times Cover Story: Diversify & Differentiate
Nathan & Aaron began searching for cultivars that would provide the pain relief & euphoria that their brother searched for in cannabis without leaving him debilitatingly high: elusive type 2 & 3 cultivars that were dominant in CBD (cannabidiol). Little did they know, that search for genetics better suited for treating their brother’s symptoms would be a major differentiator for their future company, carrying it through the tough times ahead.
Stumptown Coffee Roasters Releases CBD Cold Brew in Collaboration with East Fork Cultivars
Stumptown Coffee’s CBD Cold Brew Elixir is a collaborative effort with East Fork Cultivars, “one of Oregon’s leading craft hemp and cannabis farms,” per the press release. The three-ounce drink pairs the coffee company’s original Cold Brew concentrate—which is twice the strength of their regular Cold Brew—with 15mg of USDA organic “water soluble CBD extract.”
Half-step Forward for Athletes: WADA Allows CBD Starting in 2018
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recently released its 2018 "List of Prohibited Substances and Methods" with a new exception for the use of CBD. WADA governs which substances are approved and banned for the Olympics and sports organizations worldwide, so this is progress for athletes.