All About Cannabinoids


Scientific definitions of cannabinoids can be surprisingly circular.

An example definition is that cannabinoids are a class of biological compounds that bind to cannabinoid receptors. 

But what are cannabinoid receptors? Receptors that respond to cannabinoids!

This begging of the question stems from the history of cannabis science

Chemical analysis of cannabis led to identification of certain characteristic compounds, which were named “cannabinoids” in reference to their source plant. 

Then, researchers explored how these compounds work in the body, which led to the discovery of receptors where they would bind. 

These sites received the descriptive name “cannabinoid receptors,” but with more data expanded to be encompassed within the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

Not Just From Cannabis

The scientists discovered that the receptors didn’t just respond to the external cannabinoids for the cannabis plant – the body actually makes its own similar version of these compounds in order to maintain homeostasis.

Along with growing success in creating cannabinoids chemically in a lab setting, it became clear that the cannabis plant wasn’t the only source of these compounds.

 That led to a further description of three different categories of cannabinoids:

  • Phytocannabinoids: derived naturally from plants

  • Endocannabinoids: produced “endogenously,” or within the body

  • Synthetic Cannabinoids: created artificially 

So the name “cannabinoids” can actually be a bit misleading, because cannabis is only one source among several. 

And unfortunately, having cannabis associated with this entire class of compounds – some of which are natural to our bodies – has led to stigma against much-needed research into this important body system.

The Array of Phytocannabinoids

First, THC got all the attention. Then, CBD became hot. Now everyone’s getting into CBG.

But there are actually more than 100+ different cannabinoids that can be found in the cannabis plant!

Researchers are still discovering and describing new ones, such as THCP and CBDP in 2019, and working to understand the effects that each can have.

But to the best of our knowledge at this point, all cannabinoids in the cannabis plant start as CBGA or CBGVA, sometimes called "mother cannabinoids" or “stem cell cannabinoids”. 

Notice that the names of these initial cannabinoids end with an "A"? This signifies that they are cannabinoid acids, which are found in living or raw plants. 

The plant uses enzymes to create acidic cannabinoids: from CBGA springs THCA, CBDA, and CBCA, while CBGVA yields THCVA, CBDVA, and CBCVA.

Acidic cannabinoids can then change structure into neutral cannabinoids through decarboxylation: heating to a minimum temperature for a certain amount of time. This is typically done intentionally, after harvesting, drying, and curing the plant.

After decarboxylation, most of the cannabinoid acids are turned into their corresponding neutral cannabinoid compounds, including CBG, THC, CBD, CBC, and CBGV, THCV, CBDV, and CBCV.

For example, THCA becomes THC, and CBDA becomes CBD.  

Going a step further, THC can then break down into CBN with exposure to environmental factors like oxygen and light.

In reference to this process through which the compounds develop in the cannabis plant, researchers may refer to them as “primary,” “secondary,” and “tertiary” cannabinoids. 

Because they come first, the cannabinoid acids are primary, while the neutrals are secondary, and breakdown products of those are tertiary.

Are They Major or Minor?

The terms “major” and “minor” are often used to describe the relative quantities of cannabinoids that tend to be found in the plant and their relevance to effects in humans.

But with advanced breeding technologies, lab synthesis, and new studies ongoing, researchers have questioned the assumption that a cannabinoid found in small amounts can only have “minor” effects.

For example, the cannabinoid acids such as CBDA and CBGA have shown indications of immense therapeutic potential, but they’re relatively rare to find in significant amounts unless a plant is specially bred for it. 

And we don’t really know yet what each of the many cannabinoids can potentially do – leaving judgment of what’s truly “major” an open question.

THC Isomers: Delta-9 vs Delta-8

It’s key to mention that cannabinoids can have different "isomers" – different versions of the same compound. 

Isomers have identical molecular formulas, with the same number of atoms of each element, but with different arrangements of their atoms.

For example, the chemical formula for THC includes multiple isomers. 

But the "regular" THC in cannabis products, is the isomer officially known as Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (sometimes written as Δ9-THC, using the Greek letter "delta"). 

And you’ve probably heard of Delta-8-THC by now – that’s another isomer.

It’s important to understand the difference between Delta-9 and Delta-8 THC products because they not only have different effects in the body, but also have important implications for consumers. 

While Delta-8-THC can occur naturally in the plant, it only does so in tiny, tiny amounts – not enough to extract and make large amounts of product.

Delta-8 THC products are synthetic: made by chemically treating CBD in a lab or industrial facility, with unknown byproducts and the potential for chemical contamination.

Which Cannabinoids Are Relevant to Me?

As far as strength of experienced effects, THC is still the powerhouse of the cannabis plant.

Most other cannabinoids are not intoxicating, but many can potentially influence THC’s effects or possibly create a minor version by weakly stimulating the same receptor.

Many cannabis clinicians believe that THC microdoses are an underutilized resource, and that benefits can come from sub-perceptual doses – as in full-spectrum CBD-rich products, for example.

But the rise of CBD and now CBG shows that people are interested in more than just the THC experience – they’re looking for a variety of resources to support wellness, relaxation, and quality of life.

Theoretically, cannabis products focused on different “minor” cannabinoids could provide a tailored approach to desired effects.

There is good evidence pointing to THCV as an appetite suppressant, for instance.

But be aware that research is still limited and mixed – the effects that product makers advertise may not rest on solid evidence. 

A good example is the recent boom in CBN products for sleep: although it’s often repeated that CBN causes drowsiness, the research at this point does not support that claim. (But it may have something to do with terpenes!)

The takeaway is to try things out if you’d like, but choose your products and portions wisely – and don’t expect guaranteed results.

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