Ask a grower: growing hemp at home part 1
Just in time for growing season, we have expanded our hemp seed offerings. We have teamed up with our friends at Grow It From Home to release a 3-part series on common questions about growing hemp at home.
Welcome to ask a grower with Emily Gogol, head gardener at Grow It From Home. Emily has years of experience growing all sorts of plants in urban gardens and is an expert on growing hemp at home!
Question: Why should I grow hemp at home?
There are so many reasons people are growing hemp at home, all over the U.S. Hemp is a very easy plant to grow, and you can do so many things with it besides rolling a joint and smoking it. People are cooking with it, juicing it for green smoothies, infusing oils/alcohols, and lets’ not forget CBD brownies! On the practical side, it is also way cheaper to grow your own. Companies are charging a fortune for CBD flower and oil, and you can grow more than you’ll ever be able to use. I dare you to try!
“One plant provides more flower than you could ever use. It is way cheaper to grow your own than buy it from a store, and way more rewarding!”
Question: Can I grow hemp outdoors, and can it live on a patio in a container?
Yes, yes and yes. The only reason you would grow tomatoes indoors is if it was illegal, so just like a tomato, grow your hemp outside, please! Hemp, like a tomato, does well in a container and can be kept in a smaller space. Just give it full sun and it will literally grow like a weed.
Hemp does great in a small space, just make sure it gets full sun.
Question: How do I know if I should buy seeds, plants or clones?
The internet has a lot to say about this but I’m going to let you in on a gardening secret. It doesn’t matter! Would you prefer to buy basil seeds or a basil plant? Hemp is no different. What you really want to ask yourself is:
Do I want to babysit seeds as they grow into sturdy plants that I you can put outside? If the answer is yes, by all means go for seeds. If you want a care-free ready to go into the garden project, start with plants. Or if it is later in the season, plants will give you a head start. Our plants ship direct from our farm to your doorstep and are ready day one to go into the ground. Clones, now they are just more expensive plants, and I could write a whole blog on clones and why they exist in the first place, but for your garden don’t waste your money.
Seeds are a great way to go if you have the time and patience, and if you want to kickstart your garden with a sure thing, start with plants. It’s that simple.
Be sure to get your seeds and limited edition East Fork Cultivar plants while they are in stock!
For more information, get in touch with Emily at and for additional how-to guides visit