Remembering Joel Matthew Fischer

Tricia and Joel Fischer on the East Fork Ranch on October 7, 2020.

Tricia and Joel Fischer on the East Fork Ranch on October 7, 2020.

Joel Matthew Fischer, a guiding force behind East Fork Cultivars, passed away three weeks ago on January 8, 2021.  

As our Ambassador of Happiness and one of East Fork’s ownership team of four, he was as much our brother as our biological brothers. He is deeply missed.


To read some wonderful stories about Joel, share your own, or support in other ways, please visit:

Joel was a magical person. He lived life with a surreal zest and passion that is legendary among his friends and family.

Love was central in Joel’s life. He made a point of making those around him feel loved. 

Joel was always up for an adventure and he spent much of the last few years traveling the world. The impact he’s had on people across Oregon and the world is spectacular — and only becoming more clear in his death. His accomplishments, personal and professional, are similarly striking.  

East Fork wouldn't exist today without Joel.

In 2015 when Aaron Howard and Nathan Howard were trying to create a cannabis business centered around cannabidiol (“weed that doesn't get you high”), at a time when very few people had the term CBD in their vocabulary and cannabis therapeutics wasn't yet in vogue, Joel believed in us.

From the start, he understood and championed our mission. He helped us define our values. And he put into practice with concrete actions our shared belief that people should always be put over profits.

Joel, whose official title was Ambassador of Happiness, also helped shape our culture by leading workshops like StrengthsFinder and through recommending books and readings on subjects such as cognitive distortions, systemic racism, and the Human Potential Movement. And when things got tough financially, which has occurred from time-to-time since day one, Joel moved mountains to make our ends meet.   

Thank you everyone for all the love and support you've given to us, Joel's family, and friends over the past several weeks.   


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